
Coalition submits proposed amendments to PSI directive

18th October 2018News, Open Access, Open Data, Open Science

A coalition of library and research community representatives, comprised of EBLIDA, DCC, IFLA and SPARC Europe, recently submitted our position and proposed amendments to the Directive 2003/98/EC on the reuse of public sector information. The two documents were shared with EU rapporteurs and shadow rapporteurs with the request that our amendments be taken forward for consideration for the next stage of the process.

This latest move is part of a year-long advocacy effort to urge lawmakers to consider the library and research communities in the rewriting of Europe’s copyright law.

Among the amendments proposed by the coalition was language:

  • Stipulating that all wholly or majority-funded research be made open as default, or as closed as necessary as required by other bodies of law
  • Broadening the definition of where data is stored, i.e beyond institution and subject-based repositories to include other local, national or international data infrastructure;
  • Encouraging the consistent provision of data management plans;
  • Requiring that data follow the FAIR data principles
  • Specifying that Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) also be compatible with FAIR principles, being “self-descriptive and using open protocols”

The reasoning behind our proposals are detailed in our statement of support for the Proposal for the revision of Directive 2003/98/EC.