An introduction: the Evaluating RDM Tool
For institutions that have implemented an RDM policy, a natural next step is to evaluate one’s efforts. To that end, SPARC Europe has created a new tool that will enable you to assess various aspects of your RDM initiative, specifically, how you are contributing to optimising and professionalising research data management (RDM): policy, services and infrastructure at your institution.
Special thanks go out to a team who helped in the creation of this tool: including Lauren Cadwallader, Alastair Dunning, Hardy Schwamm, Marta Teperek, and of course Angus Whyte, and Jonathan Rans, originators of the DCC RISE Framework.
This tool is based on the SPARC Europe How Open is your Research service and on the work of the Digital Curation Centre (DCC) and its RISE Framework.
Potential Uses
The tool aims to help institutions develop a strategy for an improved research data management policy and service infrastructure To get the most out of it, we suggest experimenting with it and using it as a basis for discussion with colleagues. This should help you better understand perceptions of your current RDM policy and service offering amongst a range of institutional stakeholders. Research intensive universities active in RDM will have the most benefit.
DCC, Cambridge University, TU Delft and Lancaster University, among others, were involved with the tool’s development. In early conversations among these institutions and other RDM professionals, the following applications were identified as relevant uses:
- Research data advocacy activities
- With benchmarking
- For policy development
- Service development
- In training
- Self-assessing RDM work
How it works
Using the tool, you can create three different radar charts to visualise the expanse of your RDM offering, the range of tailored services you offer, if any, and how far you are sector-leading in RDM. Find out more how it works by clicking on this link.
Its use
The tool is free to use. Our only request is that you tell us a bit about yourself so that we understand who finds it most useful.
Tags: data, evaluation, open science, perceptions, policy evaluation, policy making, RDM, research data, service, tool