
Help us strengthen Open Repositories in Europe

15th February 2023News

Help unlock the full potential of European Open Repositories! Join SPARC Europe, COAR, OpenAIRE and LIBER in gathering crucial data to help us make informed decisions on how to strengthen the network of repositories in Europe by taking our survey now.

Europe has one of the most well-developed repository networks globally, with hundreds of repositories hosted by universities, research centres, government departments, and not-for-profit organisations. 

However, there are significant variations across the European open research or scholarly repository landscape with differing levels of service, support, and funding. As such, we believe in ensuring a strong and sustainable network of open repositories to propel Open Science forward.

It is for this reason that SPARC Europe — together with COAR, OpenAIRE and LIBER — are undertaking research to gain a better understanding of the European repository landscape.

If you have a repository at your organisation (and are based in Europe), we invite you to please help us strengthen the network by completing our Survey of Open Repositories in Europe.

The survey forms part of the Joint Strategy to Strengthen the European Repository Network led by the above-mentioned organisations to better understand the repository landscape and develop a relevant and effective strategy to bolster repositories in the region. 

Be a part of shaping the future of Open Science in Europe! With just 15 minutes of your time, you can make a difference by completing our Survey of Open Repositories in Europe. This survey is your chance to share valuable insights on the topic of repositories. Note — it should be completed by the main person responsible for managing the repository.

Thank you in advance for supporting us in gathering valuable information which we can use to strategically pave the way for repositories. 

The deadline to complete the survey is Friday, 10 March 2023. 

You can view all questions in a PDF here and complete the survey here.