Knowledge Rights 21 project launches
SPARC Europe is thrilled to be a part of the Knowledge Rights 21 (KR21) project which launched today. Stichting IFLA Foundation signed an agreement for a €3m Arcadia grant to launch this new programme to promote access to knowledge for study, research and culture in Europe.
KR21 will focus on the following key areas:
- Facilitating fair access to e-books for users of public, national, educational and research libraries;
- Protecting users’ rights under copyright legislation from contract override and technological protection measures that undermine statutory exceptions to copyright;
- Promoting the case for the introduction of open and flexible copyright norms in Europe to aid research, teaching and learning;
- Advocating for a legislated scholarly publication / secondary publishing right in laws;
- Accelerating the uptake of author rights retention activities and open licensing in Europe.
We’re looking forward to collaborating to support libraries in their advocacy for better policies and laws across Europe!
Read the KR21 press release for details here.