Scoping the OA and OS Infrastructure landscape in Europe
Calling all European Open Access and Open Science/Scholarship services/resources: SPARC Europe needs your help in mapping and establishing a core understanding of Europe’s current field of Open resources, many of which are not financially stable, even though they underpin our Open landscape. The insights gained via this important survey, which is being conducted for the European OA and OS community and Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI), will help inform discussions on how to secure these services in the future.
Based on what we learn, we also plan to showcase some of these resources as leading open infrastructure champions.
“Through this effort, we hope to bring greater visibility and a deeper understanding of the many European-based OA and OS services on offer,” said Vanessa Proudman, director of SPARC Europe and member of the IOI Steering Group. “My engagement in Invest in Open Infrastructure (IOI) is to ensure that this global approach is aware of and sensitive to the specifics of the European infrastructure and funding culture. We want to ensure that while we are reaching out and embracing lessons from across the globe, in our search for tangible and pragmatic solutions to funding Open infrastructure, Europe is addressed and considered. This new survey is the first step in this important process.”
Information gained via the survey should in future help funders – governments, funding organisations and agencies, institutions, libraries, service providers and others – conceive effective strategies for financing essential Open infrastructure.
If you believe in a truly Open research environment, help us ensure the survey makes it to as many Open services as possible.
Please take the survey or share it with your colleagues: