
Seeking insights into OE practices within European academic libraries

18th November 2019News, Open Education

This week, SPARC Europe – in consultation with the European Open Education Librarian Network – is launching a survey targeting academic libraries across Europe. The purpose of the survey is to garner insights into their Open Education practices.

The ultimate goal: to use what is learned to strengthen Open Education (OE) and Open Education Resources (OER) in higher education institutions and their libraries across Europe. We define OE as resources, tools and practices that are free of legal, financial and technical barriers, and that can be fully used, shared and adapted in the digital environment.

Academic libraries are natural partners in an endeavour intended to expand OE and OER considering the prominent role they have played in advancing Open, developing Open Access, Scholarship and Open Science policies and practices. 

The results of the survey will be released as a report in early 2020.

We strongly urge members of the European academic library community, however slight their involvement in OE, to participate in the survey. Find it here.