
Sustaining OA services for the future

21st October 2016News, Open Access

Last week, SPARC Europe convened a meeting with a number of high-level stakeholders from the international funding, research and library communities to discuss how to sustain some of the world’s important OA services.

All participants agreed that introducing a new mechanism to fund some of the essential services that underpin policy was important. We are now in the process of exploring what this mechanism could look like and coming up with terms of reference. We are also preparing supporting documentation for decision-makers to see when the first phase of funding could begin.

After extensive essential preparatory work led by Knowledge Exchange, e.g. best concluded in the Putting Down Roots report, SPARC Europe now looks forward to facilitating exploring the feasibility of the proposal and how to put this into action with leading decision-makers and Open Science advocators worldwide including LIBER, EIFL, European University Association (EUA), The European Research Council (ERC), Science Europe, the Australasian Open Access Strategy Group (AOASG), Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL), and SPARC (US).
We look forward to updating you with more in months to come!