The OA Diamond Study: Q&A Webinar

To provide a forum where questions on the OA Diamond Journals Study’s recommendations can be asked and discussed
To facilitate discussion on the OA diamond model and to start to capture OA community needs
Friday, 9 April, 2-4 PM CEST/1-3 GMT/8-10 ET
Please register here.
For whom?
This webinar is open to all, including RFOs and other funders, RPO, including universities and other academic institutions, societies, infrastructure providers, OA advocates, and researchers.


The recently published OA Diamond Journals Study, has shone light on a publishing model – OA Diamond – that makes OA publishing truly accessible to all. OA diamond journals publish without charging authors or readers.

The first study of this kind, commissioned by cOAlition S and funded by Science Europe, was the culmination of work undertaken from June 2020 to February 2021 by a consortium of 10 organisations: OPERAS, SPARC Europe, Utrecht University, DOAJ, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, LIBER, OASPA, ENRESSH, Redalyc-AmeliCA, and CSI.

The report clearly pointed out characteristics of the OA diamond model that make its sustainability a matter of crucial importance for the scholarly community. Diamond OA promotes both inclusivity and bibliodiversity as it serves a wide range of disciplines, languages, countries and communities. It makes open access publishing truly accessible to all since it removes some of the financial hurdles that researchers struggle with.

The authors of the report formulated a set of recommendations that will give the model a chance to flourish. The recommendations evolve around the areas of technical support, compliance, effectiveness, capacity-building, and sustainability.

The authors of the study would now like to invite the OA diamond community to discuss these recommendations by answering any questions participants might have. During a 2-hour Q&A webinar, hosted by SPARC Europe, the attendees will:

  • Learn about the OA diamond journals landscape
  • Have a chance to find out more about the study’s recommendations and talk about their needs
  • Hear about our plans for the future and upcoming events on the OA diamond model

Your participation will be important as it is the first step towards implementing a new future for OA diamond. Please join us on 9 April!

Register for this webinar here.