Webinar: International and national copyright policy action for OA

Monday, 8 March 2021, 14-16 CET.
A joint webinar between SPARC Europe and EIFL

Target audience
Open Science policymakers, Research Funding Organizations and Research Performing Organizations managers, librarians, repository managers and academic institutional copyright experts.
We will organise a separate event for publishers.

14.00 Introduction, Vanessa Proudman, SPARC Europe
14.05 Perceptions from the audience. Current policy challenges. Mentimetre. Facilitator: Iryna Kuchma
Rights retention policy experiences from the field
International research funders
14.15 The Rights Retention Strategy: cOAlition S and beyond, Johan Rooryck and Sally Rumsey, cOAlition S
14.25 Open Science and copyright in Horizon Europe, Alea Lopez de San Roman, European Commission
14.35 Questions for funders
National policymakers
14.45 “Authors/Institutions are encouraged to retain copyright …” Ireland’s National Open Research Forum and the copyright retention challenge. Niamh Brennan, Trinity College Dublin & Susan Reilly, University College Dublin
14.55 Using the Dutch Copyright Act to speed up open access: lessons learned from the ‘You Share, We Take Care’ project. Arjan Schalken, UKBsis
15.05 A national institutional approach: Academic Rights Retention: maintaining choice and restraining costs. Chris Banks, Imperial College London
15.15 Questions for national policymakers
Open licensing
15.25 Unlocking scientific information in the public interest. Brigitte Vezina, Director of Policy, Creative Commons
Panel discussion
15.35 Panel discussion: Where does policy need to align?
15.55 Next steps

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