Taking concrete steps to make Open Access the default
Continuing the push to make Open the default demands a multi-dimensional approach that takes into consideration the various stakeholders, from policy-makers to individual researchers. At present, our work is defined by the following strategies:
Tracking Open Access progress in Europe and sharing good practices and experience amongst national policymakers by facilitating CoNOSC – the Council of National Open Science Coordinators.
OA books is one of our priorites so we help run the OA Books Network (OABN) and we are active in the PALOMERA Project, which focusses on increasing policymaking for OA books across Europe: something that we started with our work at the OABN.
We are also working on building capacity and a more sustainable and equitable publishing system through OA diamond by having a significant role in the DIAMAS Project.
We encourage change in copyright and open licensing practices to increase the re-use and impact of research and education, most recently through Project Retain.
We are stimulating more Open infrastructure and the funding thereof by leading on SCOSS to help create a community-owned infrastrcuture for Open Science.
See our strategy for more information.