Recommendations for research libraries
- Appoint a Scholarly Communications Manager who can make the case for Open Access throughout the entire university
- Lobby for an Open Access policy at your research institution
- Establish an Institutional Repository (IR) and distribute guidelines for administrators and researchers
- Connect or merge the Institutional Repository (IR) with the Current Research Information System (CRIS) and allow researchers to submit the metadata for their articles and books only once
- Know and nurture your champions in your research and administrative communities
- Build services on your IRs or CRIS that show usage stats, generate publication lists, or showcase the organisation’s research as seen with Edinburgh’s Research Explorer
- Optimise work processes for metadata ingest and full text deposit, also to better manage different types of licenses and embargoes
- Support researchers in self-depositing, checking copyright and metadata
- Create the appropriate promotion and advocacy material targeted to the different groups in your community
- Advocate how Open Access contributes to raising impact. For example, see the Open Access Citation Advantage Service.
- Host an event/s as part of Open Access Week
- Promote prestigious and high quality Open Access Journals across specific research communities
- Support the research community in starting up Open Access Journals or publishing Open Access books by taking on more of a publishing role as seen at UCL Press. See DOAJ for a reliable journal list or see DOAB for a recent list of Open Access books.
- Manage an Open Access publication fund for covering article processing charges (APCs)