Recommendations for publishers

  • Promote the benefits of Open Access to your authors and readers
  • Experiment with new journal titles and new forms of Open Access publishing
  • Register your journal in the Directory of Open Access Journals and submit metadata on article level
  • Publish – in cooperation with your authors – all articles in the journal under a Creative Commons license where possible using the CC-BY license
  • When using the Article Processing Charges (APC) business model, combined with institutional memberships. attempt to be as efficient as possible keeping these fees as low as possible
  • Work collaboratively with other publishers and academic institutions to streamline data exchange to help institutions manage and simplify embargoes and licenses from as many publishers as possible
  • Produce XML versions of your material and ensure copies are stored in well maintained permanent archives such as Europe PubMed Central and Portico for example
  • Where feasible, work with authors to make the raw data used in their research articles freely available and facilitate unrestricted data-mining
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