We are looking for Open Data influencers

At SPARC Europe we believe that changing policy and cultural change go hand in hand to make ‘Open’ the default. As part of that, SPARC Europe’s Open Data Champions is an initiative to help promote the use of ambassadors or champions in the scientific community to help unlock more scientific data.
It is part of our Open Champions Programme, starting with Europe’s Open Access Champions.

Open champions take an active interest in making open scholarship or open science a success. They share open scholarship principles and practices with their communities and help embed open data into their institutions or research areas. SPARC Europe wants to hear and share their stories. What are their interests in Open Data? What they are doing with their data? What concerns are there? And what are the consequences of positive action and no action?

SPARC Europe is looking for data champions in Europe who are doing more to make their and their colleagues’ data more openly accessible to all. If you know of an inspiring example of someone who is driving Open Data forward, be they a vice chancellor, senior researcher or early career researcher, please contact us. We’d love to hear from you.