A selection of our OE resources to share and re-use
Open Education Champions
In this interview series, key advocates discuss the importance of Open Education and share their experiences creating and facilitating Open Educational Resources.
Open Education in Libraries of Higher Education, 2022 report
This report summarises the results of our most recent annual survey of European libraries on Open Education (OE) and Open Education Resources (OER) prepared by SPARC Europe. It was done in consultation with the European Network of Open Education Librarians (ENOEL).
An ENOEL toolkit: Open Education Benefits
The toolkit aims to help raise awareness of the importance of Open Education, and it points out benefits for four stakeholder groups: students, teachers, institutions, and society at large. It features reusable and adaptable templates for Twitter cards, slides, and leaflets.
The community is currently working on translating the toolkit into multiple languages. The localized versions will be available soon.
Resources for librarians & Open Education enthusiasts
Members of the ENOEL community collaboratively create resources and collect links to key documents that can support librarians and OE advocates. Our Wakelet page, curated by the ENOEL members, gathers meticulously selected content related to OER, OE policies, OE support, and OE research results. Our librarians are constantly updating the resources and adding new links.
ENOEL practitioners under the spotlight
In this series of webinars ENOEL members guide us through their personal journeys with OE, providing a space for network members to share ideas, ask questions, and learn from one another.
This series is under development.
OE Drops
A series of short videos explaining the basics of Open Education to newcomers. Plug in while enjoying your morning coffee, on a walk, or anywhere, and get acquainted with Open Education concepts in videos as small as a drop. These “drops” are collected in a playlist on ENOEL’s youtube channel.
This series is under development.
Open Mic
The ENOEL Podcast on the UNESCO OER Recommendations. In this episode Kamila Kokot-Kanikula and Kinga Zajac, members of the European Network of Open Education Librarians (ENOEL) give us an introduction to the UNESCO OER Recommendation.
This series is under development.